The Educated Noble Vestal Labradoodle
Many people would love to have a well-mannered, well-behaved dog, but do not have the time, energy, or expertise to raise and educate a puppy. We take the time and effort (and sometimes the destroyed rugs) out of educating puppies. Hundreds of hours go into educating a Noble Vestal Labradoodle, who will quickly become an important family member and give and receive love for many years. Educated Noble Vestal Labradoodles are hand selected for your family before they are eight weeks old. They are trained with your needs in mind. Booking for older trained puppies needs to be done well in advance. We have openings for 2021! Book your Educated Noble Vestal Labradoodle today.
Noble Vestal Labradoodles are raised as family members and, in their new homes, expect to be treated as important family members. They need lots of love, attention and daily exercise. Dogs, especially puppies, need to run.
You do need to take the time to become educated as well and to live with the dog in a way that displays your knowledge, boundaries and continued training. You can not expect us to hand you a well behaved puppy and to not follow through with that puppy's education and expect it to remain a good dog. You have a big roll in this too!
Ruth aka Rue as we call her is a super sweet girl. Rue is an Odin & Yahtzee puppy born in 2021. She was returned to us by her family due to no fault of her own.. Her family failed to consider the mental & physical stimulation and training that a dog needs in order to become a good member of their family. Coupled with the already challenging needs of their young adult son with disabilities was more than they could manage. To be fair to Rue they decided to allow us to train and place her with a family that is ready to take on the responsibilities of dog ownership.
Ruth does well in a crate but could probably sleep uncrated. She walks nicely on leash, knows Sit, Come, Down, Off, Stay and working on Place. She loves to run and play, enjoys attention and will follow you everywhere you go which is super endearing. She rides well in the car and is good around well mannered children.
NOTE: Many individuals wrongfully assume that an older dog will make a great addition to their family because the dog is beyond the puppy stage of which they do not want to deal with however because these dogs have lived a life in a different environment they come with preprogramed baggage. It takes twice as much work to train a dog to live the way you expect in your environment. Dogs that have been rehomed have often missed meeting critical mile markers or have a lack of foundation skills. I would not recommend any rehome as a starter dog for families that wish to avoid the puppy stage or who do not have a solid understanding of animal behavior and plan to continue obedience training.
Ruth is not a starter dog for a family that has never had a dog.
DOB: 03/23/2021
Parents: Yahtzee & Odin
Size: Small Standard (22 inches Tall & 48 lbs)
Gender: Female
Coat: Creme Fleece

Bri has started completed Novice Obedience and is starting the Advanced course! She is such a good girl!
She is a happy go lucky girl that loves to snuggle!
Bri walks great on leash, knows Sit, Come, Down, Stay, Leave It and By-Heel. She enjoys car rides and plays well with children. She has been working on these behaviors in public spaces and can easily be in public around other people and dogs. She neutral in public. This means she can be in public and not be a nuisance and stays calm.
She is crate trained and sleeps all night!
She will do well for the average family, she loves snuggles and to play fetch. She is really a great puppy and someone is going to be incredibly lucky to have her!

Phineas has started Puppy School and learning how to be a good boy!
He is a natural pleaser and quick learner!
Finn is walking on leash, knows Sit, Come, Down and Stay. He has been working on these behaviors in public spaces and is also learning to be neutral around strangers in public. This means he can be in public and not be a nuisance and stays calm.
Finn is crate trained and sleeps all night!
He will do well for the average family, he loves snuggles and to play fetch. He is really a great puppy and someone is going to be incredibly lucky to have him!

We do not always have a trained dog available but don't worry. Send us an application and let us know that you want your puppy trained before it comes home and we will match you with the best puppy and start his education today!