Barksdale's Burberry's House Check
aka Bear (Bur Bear E)
Australian LabradoodleTesting Results:
Click to View Testing
PennHip 90%
PRA Clear
CERF Normal 2016
Cardiac Normal 2016
Thyroid Normal 2016
A’mazing! One word is all this boy needs to describe him. Thank you Barksdale for entrusting us with one of your greatest creations. Burberry comes from a long line of therapy dogs dating back to Tegan Park, the founder of our lovely breed. Bear (Bur Bear E) as we call him is a sturdy boy, with a straight top line, broad chest and head and a well set front. We are excited to see his offspring in our program. Bear has a happy go lucky personality, his tail never stops wagging and it isn’t sure which way to way. He gets along well with other animals and all ages of children. He loves to give kisses!
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