Noble Vestal's Cotton Candy
aka CiCi
Australian LabradoodleTesting Results:
Click to View Testing
OFA Good
PennHip 40%
Wallace: Good
PRA Clear
vWD Clear
EIC Clear
When a dog is darn near perfect it is hard to describe them without saying they are super sweet and easy. Well.. that is just how we feel about Noble Vestal’s Cotton Candy aka CiCi for short. She descends from our house line, her grandmother is Sweetie who for over a decade has been our mascot and greets you at our door. Her aunt is Wheatie, who you can watch bound across our property in over 100 videos. CiCi is just like her grandmother and her aunt combined. Joyfully sweet and everyone’s best friend.
CiCi is stocky like her father, Jammers. This is a trait not seen in many doodles. It is one that we try to maintain in our lines.
When you meet CiCi her big round eyes and chocolate nose shaped like a heart make you melt instantly. Everything that she does will have you falling in love. From the silly little grin and faces that she makes, her playing at your feet or jumping up into your lap to greet you when you sit on the sofa.
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